Effective January 2005
Privacy Policy
MuscleCarMetal.com is committed to respecting the privacy rights of our customers and all visitors to our web site. We take this matter very
seriously, and have instituted many policies and procedures to insure that your privacy rights are safeguarded. The following outlines
MuscleCarMetal.com's privacy policies and details the measures we have taken to protect your privacy, while providing you with a unique and
rewarding online shopping experience.
Our Promise
MuscleCarMetal.com provides you with a safe, no-hassle method of shopping, and purchasing muscle car parts. In this regard, we address the
issues of security, full-disclosure, fair and honest pricing, and provide a thorough and specific Privacy Policy.
What information does MuscleCarMetal.com collect?
As part of the purchase process, information such as your e-mail address, name, and contact telephone numbers will be requested. This
information will be used solely as described below.
When entering information on this web site, it is transferred automatically to MuscleCarMetal.com's
Gateway Partner, CyberSource, an automated
commerce transaction solutions company.
CyberSource will automatically record the information and process your purchase with your banking institution. MuscleCarMetal.com received a
copy of your name, addresses (bill to and ship to), email and telephone number in order to process your order. All credit card information will be
used in compliance with applicable federal and state law. We here at MuscleCarMetal.com do not have access to the credit card information you
use for your transaction.
At any point you have the option of indicating by either telephone or email that you no longer wish to be contacted by the MuscleCarMelal.com.
In this event, we will access your file and mark your customer record as ''closed'', at which time, you are removed from ''active'' status.
Does MuscleCarMetal.com use cookies?
MuscleCarMetal.com does, in a limited manner, use a technology called "cookies". A cookie is a small piece of text that you can agree to place on
your computer's hard drive. In most cases, you can set your web browser to prompt you when a cookie request is being made from a web page,
such as the MuscleCarMetal.com web page, and you have the option to accept or not. If you accept or do not reject the cookie, then your browser
adds the text in a small file, which will expire in 90-days. Accepting cookies in no way gives us access to your computer or any personal information
about you. It is merely a method of storing information to improve your online experience. It will assist us in making your site visit easier and more
productive. Technically, cookies are harmless, occupying just a few bytes on your hard drive. Note that personal information is often contained in or
linked to a cookie (such as email address, zip code, etc.). The only time that MuscleCarMetal.com receives such information is if you volunteer it by
typing in the information. The use of the personal information is limited to being contacted by MuscleCarMetal.com as described above.
The following describes how our website uses cookies and how we provide you with a more personalized experience:
We publish special promotions, pricing promises, brand name and various other messages on the internet to help consumers find
MuscleCarMetal.com. In order to determine which method is most effective, a cookie is used to capture which method was used to find our web
site. The information included in the cookie is limited to only the message identifier.
Does MuscleCarMetal.com track my visits?
At MuscleCarMetal.com, our site may also gather information about which areas of our site receive the most visits and user visit history. This is
done by the placement of a cookie on your computer. Additionally, we gather site metrics information by the use of cookies and web beacons, and
then aggregate the captured data. The type of data captured includes; search engine referral, traffic driven by ad banners or other online
promotions, how visitors navigate around the site, and the most popular pages. We also track technical information, such as the browser version
and operating system of visitors, to deliver a better site design for our visitors. The data is analyzed, generating several different types of reports
showing different views on the data collected. We do not capture any information about any individual's use of the site - rather only aggregate
data is captured. MuscleCarMetal, does not share, sell or provide any of this aggregate data with outside companies, NO exceptions. Furthermore,
MuscleCarMetal.com does not track where you go on the World Wide Web.
How is email used on MuscleCarMetal.com?
A customer provides an email address to MuscleCarMetal.com in two instances:
1. Information Request. Throughout our website there are hot stops which allow the customer to access our email address, in order to obtain
further information.
2. Contact Form - if a customer wishes to be contacted by an MuscleCarMetal.com, the customer clicks on the "Email" button prominently located on
all of our pages which activates the customer's email program. By sending the email, MuscleCarMetal. com will received the customer's email
address in the header section.
In both cases where an email address is given, the customer voluntarily submits their email address in order to receive follow up information, a
specific price quote, or to simply ask a question. Each email you receive from us will contain an opt-out link which can be used in the event that
you no longer wish to receive communications from us.
All email communications contain a link that can be used to opt-out from further email communication.
Does MuscleCarMetal.com share any information it collects with outside parties?
At MuscleCarMetal.com, we consider the information you choose to share with us personal and confidential. We will not rent or sell your name,
address, e-mail address, credit card information or personal information to any third party, except as may be required by law.
Does MuscleCarMetal.com provide a way to update or remove personal information?
A customer wishing to change, update, or remove personal information may do so by contacting the MuscleCarMetal by email and stating their
wishes at any time.
Why are we telling you all this?
Because MuscleCarMetal is a firm believer and active participant in consumer privacy, we maintain these policies that give our visitors full
disclosure. MuscleCarMetal believes in improving the customer's online shopping experience through the responsible and secure collection
and usage of customer data.
Your Consent
As a condition to using the MuscleCarMetal.com site, we require your approval to collect this data. By visiting MuscleCarMetal.com you agree
that we may collect and use this information as stated in our privacy policy. If we change our privacy policy, we will post the changes on this
page so you are always informed about what information we collect, how we use, and under what circumstances we disclose it.
Changes in this Privacy Statement
If we decide to materially change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement, the homepage, and other places
we deem appropriate so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.
MuscleCarMetal.com Security Statement
At MuscleCarMetal.com, we've taken important measures to keep the information you share with us safe and secure.
Secure Technology
MuscleCarMetal.com uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology to protect your personal information provided where credit card
information is required. SSL encrypts or codes this information as it travels over the Internet, and is then decoded by MuscleCarMetal.com and
its business partners who facilitate your transactions on this web site.
We do not read personal communications. We do not give out your telephone number, credit card information, or screen names, unless authorized
to do so or as required by law.
How do I know when my information is protected?
You can tell if you are using a Web browser that supports SSL if a "key" or "padlock" icon appears in one of the lower corners of your screen (For
example, when using Netscape you will see a key; when using Internet Explorer you will see a padlock). When you enter a secure page, the key is
"un-broken" or the lock is closed. This means that your communications are now secure, encrypted, and cannot be read by non-authorized
Another sign that you are in a secure transaction mode is a URL that begins with "https:". When you see any of these symbols on your browser,
you know that your information is protected and you can interact with the website with confidence.
Legal Disclaimer
We reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information as required by law and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to
protect our rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on our Web site.
Our Security Procedures
The security of customer information is very important to us and we take a number of steps to safeguard it. We maintain physical, electronic, and
procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards to guard non-public personal information about you. We limit access to personal and
account information to those employees who assist us in providing products and services to you. Employees who fail to follow our established
standards are subject to disciplinary action. We also require third parties to whom we disclose nonpublic personal information to adhere to this
Privacy Policy and to establish information security procedures.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact:
Tony Pietrantonio
Muscle Car Metal, Inc.
Seabrook, NH 03874
Email: Customer Service
Phone: (888) 328-9527